Did somebody say strategy?

Factors to consider way before you sit down to begin content planning.

We all know that content planning is key, right?

It can help you show up consistently, bring clarity and focus to your posts and free you up to focus on the parts of your business where you really need to be.

Especially when it comes to social media, where the various platforms can become places that evolve quickly, feel like they take up lots of your time or leave you feeling drained and uninspired …which most certainly should not be the case!

Taking time to prepare posts in advance, schedule them in or even consider the overall aesthetics of your page is always good practice.

But, in order for your plans to be effective, what you really need is a strategy…

What is the difference between a plan and a strategy?

Whilst a content plan will map out what you are going to post and maybe even when you are going to post it, a content strategy is the process that you will go through before arriving at that plan. 

And, if you really want to pin things down, within that content strategy you will have a specific content marketing strategy too. 

For some of us, it can be a process that we currently do without giving too much thought to it, but if we really want to reap the benefits of content marketing then you simply cannot afford to show up without that all important strategy firmly in place.

So, if this is all new to you, let’s start with the basic considerations you should make before you even begin mapping out that content onto your planner of choice.

So, what do you need to know?

Essentially, your strategy is all about your how and why. It is about really pinpointing what you are looking to achieve and establishing the tools you are going to use to do so before you even begin to sit down to prepare your posts. 

So, if you are looking to get a little more clarity before you invest your time and energy in producing your content, take a moment to reflect on these factors.

Always start with your audience

Taking time to get lost inside the head of those people you are looking to get the attention of is so important. It is why your follower count really doesn’t matter. It's why, if you suddenly see those numbers start to drop, you are probably doing something right! Understanding everything about your audience tells you everything you need to know about what you SHOULD be covering in your content. And understanding your audience is about more than just describing their demographic, it is about recognising their beliefs, values and priorities, acknowledging their behaviours and what motivates these and considering what they might think or how they feel and when and how these factors might change. ‘Why’ is the question you should keep asking yourself here if you are to really get to the bottom of who they are and make those communications count.

Focus on those goals -

Knowing what you are looking to achieve is vital if you are ever going to get it. Whether you are looking to grow your audience, make more sales or simply build better connections that actually convert into customers or clients, making these the driving force for your content will ensure that every post you put out (even if it isn’t directly selling) is working towards that aim. These goals will inform the type of content you should be putting out and the ways that you want your audience to engage with it. 

Construct the perfect content pillars - 

If your goals are the foundations that will underpin everything you do, then your content pillars are there to keep your brand’s content stable and secure. Identifying the three or four key topics you are going to post about (and considering how they will appeal to your audience and support you in achieving those goals) will ensure that you deepen that connection with your followers and leave you feeling more confident about the posts you should be producing. If you have ever felt unsure about what you should be creating or wondered why your engagement on a post has been next to nothing, then you probably need to revisit those pillars!

Become more data driven -

The beauty of a strategy is that you have something to actually measure the impact of! Whilst there is so much data available to you about how your posts perform, by failing to identify the intention of your content, how can you really understand if it has achieved it or not? An effective content strategy will have built in opportunities for regular reviews and identified the key metrics you will look to measure. This focus will help you avoid any overwhelm and really get to grips with using the data you have access to to inform your future planning.

Having a better understanding of these key factors will hopefully help you improve the quality of the content you are creating. However, it can often be tricky to challenge yourself to reflect in this way without an extra pair of eyes providing an alternative perspective. 

If you are looking to establish your content strategy then my Creation Days are the perfect way to analyse your existing approach and introduce some fresh ideas to get those creative juices flowing.


Instagram is NOT dead!


Goals, goals, goals…