Instagram is NOT dead!

You may have heard the rumours but I am here to tell you that they simply AREN’T TRUE…

It may have felt a little like the last hours on the Titanic over the past week on Instagram with account owners right left and centre announcing that you can now 'find me over on TikTok' and throwing themselves overboard to embrace the younger platform.

And whilst I wish them all more luck than Kate desperately clutching onto Leo in that freezing water (not sure where I am going with the analogy right now but let's just roll with it!) if you are reading this wondering at what point you will be forced to choose between diving into those icy depths and remaining on the sinking ship to become little more than a submerged relic of social media past, I am here to let you know that...


There are currently over one and a quarter BILLION accounts, with the UK alone having an audience of over 14 million users active monthly so, if we are to assume that (and bear with me here because I'll have more on this later) as business owners we are using the platform as a place to connect with our dream clients or customers then it is probably still a pretty good place to find a few of them! Whilst TikTok and Snapchat might rank as more popular with GEN Z, Instagram is still their third most popular place to be.

And, if your ideal audience is a little more mature, then you will be pleased to know that 45.9% of men and 39.6% of women using the platform are between the ages of 18 and 54. And, yes, more and more of these people will inevitably begin to explore other platforms too (and you may even wish to do the same...don't let me stop you!) as their popularity grows and grows, this doesn't mean that they will be giving up the 'gram for good.

Chances are - unless you are someone who got really, REALLY lucky - you have spent spent a considerable amount of time (and maybe even some money) learning all about the best ways to grow your audience and build your business in this space. By now, regardless of your follower count, you will have a lovely little lot of hardcore fans and followers who eat up your content and just love to connect with you in the comments and DMs. Surely you aren't simply going to say goodbye to this captive audience in search of someone...what...? Younger? Hotter? With better dance moves? Who's more on trend? I honestly thought we were better than that! Maybe, instead of running off in search of something...different, we think about the way we deepen those existing connections and nurture those ready made relationships in a way that makes them real?

And, yes, I would be lying if I said that Instagram hasn't changed. It has. With new features rolling out almost as often as we feel the pressure to post, it may seem somewhat overwhelming to get to grips with each and eery one of them but, put don't have to!

By better understanding our own aims and audiences, we can tailor the tools we use to maximise the potential of what we post. As everyone always says, work smarter, not harder! And remember, if you neglect your Instagram account in favour of a fresh new platform, you will still be required to do the same amount of learning and exploring, just in a completely unfamiliar space. Making the move isn't going to be an easy option.

And, as for the algorithm, instead of seeing it as something out to get you, why not simply accept that there really are only two options: understand the way it works and take time to create content that its going to push to your audience (after all, prioritising content they really want to see is its prime purpose) or ignore it entirely and post the content YOU want to safe in the knowledge that, showing up as your authentic self will always connect with those clients or customers who are your perfect match. And remember, whilst there is always a place for a social strategy, its still ok to post what YOU want just because you want to!

Change can be good. In fact, it can be fucking fantastic! So, instead of acting from a place of fear, why not take a moment to remember why you are on the platform in the first place and reconnect with all of the thing you really love about being here. Who knows, spending some time doing that might just help you reap the same rewards you are searching for elsewhere.

And, if you need a helping hand to unpick exactly what that might look like for you, then my Creation Days are the perfect way to do just that!


Content Ideas to Increase Engagement


Did somebody say strategy?